Double Hull/Double Bottom
Deadweight: 320,000 dwt @ scantling draft
LOA: 333.00 m
LBP: 320.00 m
Breadth, moulded: 60.00 m
Depth, moulded : 30.50 m
Design draft, moulded :20.50 m
Scantling draft, moulded :22.50 m
Main Engine:6S90ME-C8 (Tier-II)
Output: MCR 31,620kW ?á 78 r/min
CSR (85%MCR) 26,877kW ?á 73.9 r/min
Fuel Consumption: 107.7 ton/day at CSR of main engine
Service Speed:Approx. 16.0 knots with the main engine running at CSR (85%
MCR) with 15% sea margin
at design draft
Cargo tank capacity abt. 352,500 m3 (including slop tanks)
Ballast tanks abt 95,000 m3 (Including fore and aft peak tank)
Heavy fuel oil tanks abt 9,000 m3 (including one Lower Sulfur H.F.O.T. and settling & service
Diesel oil tank (Including settling and service tank) abt 350 m3